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Quick Payments

Initiate payments for faster, easier transactions on-demand. No invoices, no hassle — just quick and efficient transactions.

Kelly Beeby avatar
Written by Kelly Beeby
Updated over 8 months ago

What is a Quick Payment?

Quick payments allow customers to initiate payments without having to first create and send an invoice. They are quick, easy, and seamlessly integrated with Rock Paper Coin's existing secure payments infrastructure.

Quick Payment video tutorial below

How do customers make a quick payment?

  1. Customers access a quick payment page using a link provided to them by their vendor on RPC. Once on the page, customers will be asked to provide their name, email, payment amount and reason for payment.

Note: If the vendor has not specified a dollar amount, the customer will specify the payment amount and the reason for the transaction.

2. Once the customer clicks “Pay,” they will select their payment method (credit, debit, ACH). After submitting payment, the customer will be routed to a "paid" invoice which acts as a receipt for payment.

3. When a Quick Payment is made, the vendor will receive both a dashboard and email notification. They will be able to view the Quick Payment invoice in their account and the processing time is the same as with all other RPC payments (2 days on average)

Does the customer need a client account to make a Quick Payment?

Nope! Anyone can make a payment using a quick payment link.

How does a vendor create a quick payment link?

Create a link for multiple users: Go to your My Wallet, then scroll to the bottom of the “Company” tab. Click “Create Link” to open a modal to create a quick payment link.

Use case: this works great for our trade show and bridal show members! They are able to send out the link to all of their exhibitors at once rather than creating individual invoices.

Create a link for a specific person: Go to the "Contacts" tab, click into the profile page for that contact, then click open the ACTION menu. Click “Create payment link” to open a modal to create a link that can only be used by that contact.

How does a customer get a link?

Any RPC account admin can create and send a Quick Payment link. Admins can send a Quick Payment link to a customer in a number of ways but here are a few examples:

  • send the link via text message

  • embed the link in an email

  • create a button on their website that takes a user to the quick payment link

What can be configured on the Quick Payment link?

RPC account admins can "preset" the amount or reason for a Quick Payment link. If an admin adds an amount or reason to the quick payment link, when a customer views the quick payment link, those fields will be pre-populated with the values that the vendor provided.

If an admin wants the customer to define what is in the amount or reason field, leave the fields blank when creating the link.

Watch a Quick Payment tutorial below!

Have questions about Quick Payments? Send us a chat or email our team at [email protected].

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