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Client Folders

Keep track of all vendor docs and important event info in your RPC Folder!

Kelly Beeby avatar
Written by Kelly Beeby
Updated over 6 months ago

If you're going a little bonkers trying to keep all of the documents, spreadsheets, photos, budgets, and files straight for your event, we are here to help! You can now upload and share files with your vendors so everything is in one place!

  1. To take advantage of this feature, from your dashboard, head over to your Folder page.


2. This is your file library showing all uploaded files, the "last updated" date, who the file is owned by (you or one of your RPC vendors), and who it is shared with.

3. Click the "NEW" button to upload a new file

4. Once you've selected your desired file from your computer, determine who you would like to access it. Or if you don't want other users to access, click "Cancel" and this file will only be visible to you.

Note, if you are working with a Planner on Rock Paper Coin, they will automatically have access to your files for quick and easy collaboration. If you would like to change this setting, head over to your Profile and de-select the "Manage Documents" option.

5. You can update sharing settings or delete files by clicking the 3-dot icon on the right-side of your page. Note, you are unable to delete files that you are not the owner of.

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